Managing Workspace Access for Workspace managed users

Workspace Admins have the ability to limit workspace access to their workspace managed users.

This means that Admins can limit distractions in their classrooms by only providing only the workspaces necessary to complete Blocksmith Curriculum Quests.

To do this you will need to:

  1. Login with your Blocksmith Account.

  2. Go to your Workspace Dashboard

  3. Select "Signup Settings" under "Admin Corner"

  4. Select "Configure Access Settings" in the second blue tip box. This will reveal something similar to this dialog:


There are 2 sections here.

  1. Workspaces managed and provided by Blocksmith
    These workspaces are automatically assigned to all users. Please read the descriptions carefully when trying to decide if you would like to not allow access. Specifically the "sampleprojects" workspace houses the templates that our Curriculum Quests require.

  2. Independently run public workspace.
    These are workspaces like yours that are run by our users. Blocksmith does not monitor this workspaces and is not responsible for content available on them. If you do decide to restrict access to public workspaces, be sure to add your workspace to their allowed list!