How to setup a Multiplayer Experience

Multiple Players

To get started, you only need one object.

a. Find and add the Multiplayer lobby to your first scene. Then set it up using the Multiplayer settings.

b. Set min/max amount of players: allow multiple players to join, but don't go overboard. Too many players at once can crash a game. Set the Minimum player amount to 0 for both teams so you can join at any time. Then set the Maximum player amount to 4 for both teams.

c. Set what kind of players are allowed to join: allow other players to join your game on desktop or in VR! Make sure to do this for both teams.

d. Set a Start time: add a small wait time to the start of your game so other players have time to join. Change the Start time to 3. But feel free to change this setting once you have tested your game with other players.


e. Add a text box to the scene and write "Play Dodgeball" in the text area. Then add the following event:

On: Interaction Start
Then: Other Object (Click on the Multiplayer Lobby)
Find Public Game

// Event comment: when players click on the text box, it will cause the lobby to start or join a currently running a public Multiplayer game


f. The last step is to add a new scene. In the new scene you will find two players instead of one because you now have two teams! Each player's position will be that team's respawn point.